Python programming language which its main philosophy is ‘code readability’ has entered our lives in 1991. After the Python developer Van Rossum has decided to pursue his career on Google, Google has became the tower of strength of Python. Then …
Python programming language which its main philosophy is ‘code readability’ has entered our lives in 1991. After the Python developer Van Rossum has decided to pursue his career on Google, Google has became the tower of strength of Python. Then …
Hello my dear reader, Sorry about the Clickbait. I know a bad joke won’t save my blog, anyway in this blog I’m going to talk about my first week, instead of telling what have happened at the California Fire Department. …
WHO AM I ? ‘‘ Hello world !’‘ I am Ebru, I completed my bachelor degree in Dokuz Eylul University as Industrial Engineer in Turkey and I am doing my master degree in same department. I got introduced to software by …
Project reference: 1908 Python is widely used in scientific research for tasks such as data processing, analysis, and visualisation. However, it is not yet widely used for large-scale modelling and simulation on high-performance computers due to its poor performance – …
Performance of Python programs on new HPC architectures Read More »