Benjamin Huth

Hi Summer-of-HPC-website-reader, I’m Benjamin from Regensburg in Germany. I started studying physics in 2013, and I really loved it (and still love it). But somehow during my master I realized, that even more than the pure physics, the programming and optimization of simulations fascinated me. So, I ended up for my master thesis with a pure HPC topic!

During that time, I first heard about PRACE and this event. I was immediately excited, and applied, even though I haven’t expected to be selected. But it finally happened and I’m so happy to be part of this story.
After our training week in Bologna, which also is such a great event by itself, I’ll be the rest of the summer in Edinburgh with two great fellow students, where I’m going to work on a task-based library.
But there is also a life outside the world of bits and bytes, which I mostly fill with playing in a Band (a time-consuming hobby), some sport (Tennis) and other social activities (which does not mean HPC isn’t a great social activity, this event is an excellent proof on this).
So, I hope this post is just the first of many interesting ones! Stay tuned!
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