Ján Hreha

Ján Hreha is from Slovakia and he is spending this amazing summer (of HPC) at NIIF in beautiful Budapest in Hungary working with The power of GPUs for Atomistic Simulations.
Ján is currently 26 years old and spent last 10 years learning and promoting physics and other natural sciences by means of competitions and seminars for high school students.
Ján had been in contact with High Performance Computing since his masters studies in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University in Bratislava (the city is also known as “Beauty on the Danube “). Elaborating his thesis Study of structural transitions in SiO2 by ab initio metadynamics under supervision of professor Roman Martonak his work relied on massively parallel computer simulations. Then he continued in his work at the border between Material Science, Condensed Matter Physics and HPC during his PhD study with a dissertation theme Study of Structural Transitions in Materials with Shape Memory in the same team taking advantage of using PRACE member HPC infrastructure.
He was very happy to find the opportunity of applying for the Summer of HPC project and even more thankful to PRACE, which he heard about for the first time, when he was chosen to spend summer in “another bigger Beauty on the Danube” (Budapest city) gaining new views on the tools he has been utilizing for years.
Beside the research, Ján happily spends time in the Trojsten NGO community organizing several competitions in Physics mainly for high school students. He was also active in Academic Senate of his Alma Mater and in the Student Council for Higher Education representing students in academic affairs. In his free time he enjoys volunteering, cycling, hiking, and water tourism. Ján likes good music and discussions with interesting people.
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