Thizirie Ould Amer

Thizirie Ould Amer

Episode 1: Meeting amazing people, admiring nature and eating pizzas.

Ciao, Hello, Salut, Hallo, Hola, γεια σας, Merhaba, Zdravo, Szia!*
My name is Thizirie. I am from Algeria and I am studying in the baguette, fromage (cheese) and wine country, at Sorbonne University.
I have just finished the fourth and penultimate year in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science there and I am so passionate about what I am going to do after graduating: Artificial Intelligence.

This brings us to today’s post! Why am I in an HPC summer school if I want to do work on AI projects later? Well, it is simple. Both are incredibly awesome and large fields but also, HPC has a lot to do with the time optimization in Machine Learning and AI.

Now, you can easily guess which project I am going to do this summer, but let us pretend that you don’t know and I will keep the title secret till the next post!

Amazing people

This week I have met 23 over 24 of the other participants and I must say that, despite all the excitement I am feeling about beginning my project in my future center, I wish we had more time to spend together. It really seems like one of the first selection criteria was kindness. Everyone is so joyful and the more you talk to them, the more you enjoy your stay. The increase is exponential, believe me.

Here are most of the incredible people I was talking about! Don’t forget to check their blog posts too, all their projects are very interesting! – CINECA


I will just leave you with this picture to encourage you to come and visit Bologna.

Bologna, somewhere in Casalecchio di Reno. The first picture I took here!

The training week

Yes, I know, you thought we never work since we chat a lot and go out? No!
We are lucky enough to be hosted by CINECA where we are meeting many talented people who teach us so many interesting HPC programming sides like MPI and OpenMP. Tomorrow we are learning about GPU programming so I am very excited about this day!

Me fangirling in front of the supercomputers rooms of CINECA. Meet Marconi!

It is now time to go to bed and be ready for tomorrow’s class and city center’s tour! Next time you will read about my project!


*Hello in some of 2019 Prace’s participants languages.


Hi! My name is Thizirie, I am 24 years old and I'm currently studying Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in Paris. I love reading, listening to Rock'n'Roll, watching tennis games... and of course HPC and AI! Contact me here if you have questions or need some information before applying for SoHPC : Thizirie Ould Amer

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2 comments on “Thizirie Ould Amer
  1. Rich Altmaier says:

    Dear Thizrie, welcome to HPC. I worked in this field for 30 years and I hope you will come to love the challenge as I have!
    Here is the essence of HPC: if someone tells you “congratulations you solved the problem”, that person is not HPC. All solutions should be met with “Congrats, now how do you solve a problem twice as big, or use a 2x computer to solve in half the time?”
    That is HPC! Welcome!

    • Thizirie says:

      Dear Rich,

      Thank you so much, I am really excited about what’s coming and amazed by the incredible things I discovered since my first HPC class!

      I will always keep your advice in mind to make sure that I will recognize the HPP (as my training week friends named them, “High Performance People”)! I really love this way of thinking.

      I would love to talk more about HPC with you, so if you want to share your experience let me just take my notebook and jot down some notes while reading what you will share 🙂

      Thank you for your comment! I hope you will follow my progress in this journey and give me your impressions about it!

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