A little tour of Jülich

Hello everyone,

The summer of HPC program is a nice way to discover new countries and place, and before talking a bit more about my actual work here in the next blog post I would introduce you to Jülich and its surrounding.

One of the first thing we get arriving at the laboratory (the so called Jülich Forschungszentrum) was a bike to get from the guest house in the city center to the office. What is very nice is that we can also use it to discover the region, and that is very easy because there is a lot of bike path.

The bike lent by the laboratory.

The city of Jüelich

Jüelich has a very strong historical past, which is still visible in the city we see nowadays, with its iconic citadel from Renaissance and the Napoleonic fortifications. There is a small museum in the citadel, but unfortunately everything is in German. The Napoleonic wall however is inside the Brueckenkopf park, a pleasant place which also host a zoo. All around the city I found a lot of raspberries, that quickly became marmalade and then a pie !

Die Sophienhöhe

Die Sophienhöhe is an hill created by the dirt that was remove from a nearby coal mine, and is now full of vegetation and animals. Since the rest of the region is quite flat, going there offers a cool landscape over all the surroundings.

Lakes around Jüelich

The region of Jüelich is very rich in natural and artificial water plan (because of the Rhur river and the mining activity).
On week-ends, one can take their bike and choose the lake they want to bath in ! We visited two lakes so far : a very wild one where we were almost alone in Barmen, and a more touristic one with more infrastructures, the Blausteinsee.

I hope you liked this guided tour, see you soon for new adventures !

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