[Galaxies] Rescale: Rescale: [Earth Atmosphere Models]

[Galaxies] Rescale: Rescale: [Earth Atmosphere Models]

Hello, from Vienna! My name is Carla Nicolin Schoder,
my master thesis project in Astrophysics, at the University of Vienna is yet not over.
I study the influence of dense galaxy cluster environments on dwarf galaxy behavior,
performed with simulations on the Vienna Scientific Cluster and comparisons to Virgo galaxy cluster observations later.

Background: Owl nebula in narrow-band filter (OIII & Hα) with Vienna Little Telescope (0.8m), Credit: C.Schoder. Front: Infrared-Image of me.

That my life path brought me to Astronomy, computing and nature science,
started as a child in the countryside of Austria in the dark nights.
Even then I was a night owl, so I packed my blanket and my dog and left into the dark,
the fascination of the unbelievable vastness of space and the beauty of the stars,  ignited between me and Astronomy the spark.
Significantly later, programming found the way into my heart,
I still remember my tantrums with my first computer, which took half an hour to start.
I have always seen them as a tool to answer my scientific questions,
but in the meantime I discovered, that I love to lose myself in programming sessions.
When I started my master project a few months ago, naively thinking I am an Astronomer,
I have not yet guessed that I will be soon a supercomputer programmer.
As it should soon turn out, working with supercomputers will not be limited to my dwarf galaxy investigation,
because I was accepted for this amazing PRACE Summer of HPC, as part of the MPAS atmosphere model project, with Jonas Eschenfelder (project partner) and Evgenij Belikov (project mentor) in collaboration.

Variable resolution MPAS Voronoi mesh; Credit: https://mpas-dev.github.io/

Model Prediction Across Scales (MPAS), is able to model atmospheres globally and within small geographical regions,
to investigate for example air-quality and atmospheric chemistry, or predict hurricanes and weather over the seasons.
The unstructured spherical centroidal Voronoi meshes, though structured in vertical direction, is the special model capability,
because it allows smooth selective mesh refinements, with increased accuracy and flexibility.

The goal of the MPAS summer project is to perform this atmosphere model on ARCHER2, the new UK National Supercomputer,
and to push the MPAS model to it’s scalability limits, hopefully contributing to the models promising future.
Joyfully looking forward to join the PRACE Summer of HPC for the next weeks,
exited to work with UK Supercomputer, Atmosphere Model MPAS and collaborate with other computer geeks.

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