Conor Larkin

Conor Larkin


Conor Larkin is from Ireland where he has spent the last four years obtaining a BA in Mathematics from Trinity College Dublin. He wrote two final year theses, one surrounding an investigation of effective bosonic string excitations in a U(1) lattice gauge theory and the other creating a parallel implementation of an expectation maximization algorithm for determining the parameters of the Merton Jump Diffusion process.

He is interested in the application of High Performance Computing, particularly GPU methods, to the field of Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (LQCD) and other strongly coupled theories.

Next year, he will be continuing with this goal of blending HPC and particle physics by attending the Scientific Computing M.Phil. at the University of Cambridge.

He is looking forward to going to CaSToRC at The Cyprus Institute to start his project “Hybrid Deflation LQCD Solver”. It involves the combining of the deflation in the open source twisted mass code tmLQCD with the solver component of the GPU LQCD package QUDA. This will be run on the hybrid machine Piz Daint in Switzerland which is the fastest supercomputer in Europe and the sixth fastest in the world.

He welcomes the great opportunity, given to him by PRACE’s Summer of HPC program, to both learn from experts in a group at the peak of their field and to contribute to a very exciting research area.

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