Hi again! In my last post I mentioned how we parallellized the decision tree algorithm with MPI and how much performance gain we obtained with increasing number of cores. In this post I would like to briefly discuss how the …
Hi again! In my last post I mentioned how we parallellized the decision tree algorithm with MPI and how much performance gain we obtained with increasing number of cores. In this post I would like to briefly discuss how the …
Well… what a summer! If you’d have told me a year ago that I’d be using a supercomputer to run simulations on submarines, I’d have thought you were crazy – and then probably asked where I can sign up! It’s been a …
As I mentioned previously, the main goal of our project is to improve the performance of a ‘decision tree’ algorithm using High Performance Computing (HPC) parallelization tools such as MPI and GASPI. In this post I will try to explain …
A project on monitoring HPC scheduler job queues (i.e. displaying jobs on simple graphs) seems too easy right? Well… I can assure you it’s not BUT good news, I have made it a bit easier for people who want to deploy a monitoring system for such jobs!
I really would have liked to write this post while I was enjoying the cool morning mist in Edinburgh. But here I am, at my home in Izmir, Turkey; suffering from a heat stroke. I am a computer engineering student …
Hi there, this is a brief introduction about myself and what I’m working on recently. About Me My name is Cem. My education life has some zigzagging from engineering to astrophysics, but finally I found myself in the world of …
Project reference: 2022 As HPC systems get more heterogeneous in nature, it is sometimes feasible to have a single programming model can take a advantage of it. In some cases it is really beneficial where programmers do not need to …
Novel HPC Parallel Programming Models for Computing (both in CPU and GPU) Read More »
Project reference: 2020 Over the past decades a vast number of algorithms have been proposed to solve problems in combinatorial optimization either approximately or up to optimality. But despite the availability of high-performance infrastructure in recent years only a small …
Implementation of Paralllel Branch and Bound algorithm for combinatorial optimization Read More »
Project reference: 2019 Due to plasma complexity, different mathematical models depending on the different physical aspects are used for describing plasma. The most complete and used plasma description is the kinetic model, which describes the motion of each particle in …
Implementing task based parallelism for plasma kinetic code Read More »