Award adjudication panel consisting of members of PRACE Management Board, PRACE Board of Directors, Scientific Steering Committee, PRACE communications and SoHPC team announced the winners of awards for Summer of HPC 2020 edition. PRACE Summer of HPC 2020 Best Performance …
- PRACE Summer of HPC
- About
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- History
- 2022
- Blogs 2022
- Youtube videos 2022
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- Timeline 2022
- Awards 2022
- Projects 2022
- 1. Leveraging HPC to test quality and scalability of a genetic analysis tool
- 2. Fusion reactor materials: Computational modelling of atomic-scale damage in irradiated metal
- 3. Neural networks in chemistry – search for potential drugs for COVID-19
- 4. Automated Extraction of Satellite BAthymetric data by Artificial Intelligence strategies
- 5. A dashboard for on-line assessment of jobs execution efficiency
- 6. Designing a Julia Parallel code for adaptive numerical simulation of a transport problem
- 7. Assessment of the parallel performances of permaFoam up to the tens of thousands of cores and new architectures
- 8. Optimization of neural networks to predict results of mechanical models
- 9. Implementation of an advanced STAbility condition of explicit high-order Spectral Element Method for Elastoacoustics in Heterogeneous media
- 10. Turbulence Simulations with Accelerators
- 11. High Performance Data Analysis: global simulations of the interaction between the solar wind and a planetary magnetosphere
- 12. Fundamentals of quantum algorithms and their implementation
- 13. Heat transport in novel nuclear fuels
- 14. High Performance Quantum Fields
- 15. Chitchat, Gossip & Chatter,- How to efficiently deal with communication
- 16. Scaling HMC on large multi-CPU and/or multi-GPGPUs architectures
- 17. High Performance System Analytics
- 18. Parallel big data analysis within R for better electricity consumption prediction
- 19. Computational Fluid Dynamics
- 20. Performance Comparison and Regression for XDEM Multi-Physics Application
- 21. Designing Scientific Applications on GPUs
- 22. HPC-Derived Affinity Enhancement of Antiviral Drugs
- Participants 2022
- 2021
- Timeline 2021
- 2021 Reports
- Apply 2021
- Summer of HPC 2021 winners
- SoHPC 2021 participants
- Projects 2021
- 1. Analysis of data management policies in HPC architectures
- 2. Computational atomic-scale modelling of materials for fusion reactors
- 3. Precision based differential checkpointing for HPC applications
- 4. Building Resilient Machine Learning Applications (From HPC to Edge)
- 5. Cross-Lingual Transfer learning for biomedical texts
- 6. Improvement of a python package to provide multiple standardized interpolation methods for atmospheric chemistry models
- 7. Neural networks in quantum chemistry
- 8. Efficient Fock matrix construction in localized Hartree-Fock method
- 9. Benchmarking HEP workloads on HPC facilities
- 10. High Throughput HEP Data Processing at HPC
- 11. Automated Classification for Mapping submarine structures by Artificial Intelligence strategies
- 12. Combining Big-data, AI and 3D visualization for datacentre optimization
- 13. Investigating Scalability and Performance of MPAS Atmosphere Model
- 14. Re-engineering and optimizing Software for the discovery of gene sets related to disease
- 15. Performance of Parallel Python Programs on ARCHER2
- 16. Parallel anytime branch and bound algorithm for finding the treewidth of graphs
- 17. Parallelizing Earth Observation Workflow
- 18. Molecular Dynamics on Quantum Computers
- 19. Quantum algorithms and their applications
- 20. High Performance Quantum Fields
- 21. Tiny, tiny, tasks! Huge Impact?
- 22. Numerical simulation of Boltzmann-Nordheim equation
- 23. Parallel radiative heat exchange solver for analyzing samples from the OSIRIS-REx space exploration mission
- 24. Hybrid AI Enhanced Monte Carlo Methods for Matrix Computation on Advanced Architectures
- 25. Scaling HMC on large multi-CPU and/or multi-GPGPUs architectures
- 26. Benchmarking Scientific Software for Computational Chemistry in the Dutch National Supercomputer
- 27. Maximising data processing efficiency in the cloud, with a twist for Research Data Management
- 28. S-gear geometry generation and optimisation algorithm based on transient finite element mechanical/contact analyses
- 29. Big data management for better electricity consumption prediction
- 30. Designing Scientific Applications on GPUs
- 31. Aerodynamics
- 32. HPC Implementation of Molecular Surfaces
- 33. The convergence of HPC and Big Data/HPDA
- Blogs 2021
- Projects 2021
- Youtube presentations 2021
- 2020
- Timeline 2020
- Awards 2020
- Apply 2020
- SoHPC 2020 participants
- Participants 2020 tags
- Blogs 2020
- Projects 2020
- 1. High-performance machine learning
- 2. Neural networks in quantum chemistry
- 3. Visualization of supernova explosions in a magnetised inhomogeneous ambient environment
- 4. Anomaly detection of system failures on HPC accelerated machines using Machine Learning Techniques
- 5. Charm++ Fault Tolerance with Persistent Memory
- 6. Porting and benchmarking on a fully ARM-based cluster
- 7. Performance of Parallel Python Programs on New HPC Architectures
- 8. GPU acceleration of Breadth First Search algorithm in applications of Social Networks
- 9. Object Detection Using Deep Neural Networks – AI from HPC to the Edge
- 10. Development of visualization tool for data from molecular simulations
- 11. High Performance Quantum Fields
- 12. Got your ducks in a row? GPU performance will show!
- 13. Quantum Genome Pattern Matching using Rigetti’s Forest API
- 14. Matrix exponentiation on GPU for the deMon2k code
- 15. Machine Learning for the rescheduling of SLURM jobs
- 16. Scaling the Dissipative Particle Dynamic (DPD) code, DL_MESO, on large multi-GPGPUs architectures
- 17. Benchmarking and performance analysis of HPC applications on modern architectures using automating frameworks
- 18. Time series monitoring of HPC job queues
- 19. Implementing task based parallelism for plasma kinetic code
- 20. Implementation of Paralllel Branch and Bound algorithm for combinatorial optimization
- 21. Submarine Computational Fluid Dynamics
- 22. Novel HPC Parallel Programming Models for Computing (both in CPU and GPU)
- 23. Improved performance with hybrid programming
- 24. Marching Tetrahedrons on the GPU
- Projects 2020
- 1. High-performance machine learning
- 2. Neural networks in quantum chemistry
- 3. Visualization of supernova explosions in a magnetised inhomogeneous ambient environment
- 4. Anomaly detection of system failures on HPC accelerated machines using Machine Learning Techniques
- 5. Charm++ Fault Tolerance with Persistent Memory
- 6. Porting and benchmarking on a fully ARM-based cluster
- 7. Performance of Parallel Python Programs on New HPC Architectures
- 8. GPU acceleration of Breadth First Search algorithm in applications of Social Networks
- 9. Object Detection Using Deep Neural Networks – AI from HPC to the Edge
- 10. Development of visualization tool for data from molecular simulations
- 11. High Performance Quantum Fields
- 12. Got your ducks in a row? GPU performance will show!
- 13. Quantum Genome Pattern Matching using Rigetti’s Forest API
- 14. Matrix exponentiation on GPU for the deMon2k code
- 15. Machine Learning for the rescheduling of SLURM jobs
- 16. Scaling the Dissipative Particle Dynamic (DPD) code, DL_MESO, on large multi-GPGPUs architectures
- 17. Benchmarking and performance analysis of HPC applications on modern architectures using automating frameworks
- 18. Time series monitoring of HPC job queues
- 19. Implementing task based parallelism for plasma kinetic code
- 20. Implementation of Paralllel Branch and Bound algorithm for combinatorial optimization
- 21. Submarine Computational Fluid Dynamics
- 22. Novel HPC Parallel Programming Models for Computing (both in CPU and GPU)
- 23. Improved performance with hybrid programming
- 24. Marching Tetrahedrons on the GPU
- Timeline 2020
- Reports 2020
- 2019
- Apply 2019
- Participants 2019
- Podcasts 2019
- Blogs 2019
- Reports 2019
- Award ceremony 2019
- Projects 2019
- 1. Analysing effects of profiling in heterogeneous memory data placement
- 2. Reproducing Automated Heterogeneous Memory Data Distribution Literature Results and Beyond
- 3. High-performance machine learning
- 4. Electronic structure of nanotubes by utilizing the helical symmetry properties: The code optimization
- 5. IN SItu/Web visualizatioN of CFD Data Using OpenFOAM
- 6. Anomaly detection of system failures on HPC machines using Machine Learning Techniques
- 7. Parallel Computing Demonstrators on Wee ARCHIE
- 8. Performance of Python programs on new HPC architectures
- 9. Task-based models on steroids: Accelerating event driven task-based programming with GASNet
- 10. Using HPC to investigate the structure and dynamics of a KRAS oncogenic mutant
- 11. HPC application for candidate drug optimization using free energy perturbation calculations
- 12. Hybrid Monte Carlo/Deep Learning Methods for Matrix Computation on Advanced Architectures
- 13. Scaling the Dissipative Particle Dynamic (DPD) code, DL_MESO, on large multi-GPGPUs architectures
- 14. Dynamic Deep Learning Inference on the Edge
- 15. Distributed Memory Radix Sort
- 16. Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Formula Student Car Using HPC
- 17. Object Detection Using Deep Neural Networks – AI from HPC to the Edge
- 18. Good-bye or Taskify!
- 19. High Performance Lattice Field Theory
- 20. Encrypted volumes for PCOCC private clusters
- 21. Large scale data techniques for research in ecology
- 22. Visualization schema for HPC gyrokinetic data
- 23. Industrial Big Data analysis with RHadoop
- 24. Energy Reporting in Slurm Jobs
- 25. Performance analysis of Distributed and Scalable Deep Learning
- Timeline 2019
- 2018
- Summer of HPC 2018 participants
- 2018 Reports
- Timeline 2018
- Apply 2018
- Training Week at Edinburgh
- SoHPC 2018 presentations on YouTube
- Award ceremony 2018
- Projects 2018
- 1. Adaptive multi-partitioning for the parallel solution of PDEs
- 2. Automatic Frequency Scaling for Embedded Co-processor Acceleration
- 3. Dynamic management of resources simulator
- 4. Get more throughput, resize me! A case of study: LAMMPS malleable
- 5. Enabling lattice QCD simulations on GPUs
- 6. Multithreading the Multigrid Solver for lattice QCD
- 7. Electronic structure of nanotubes by utilizing the helical symmetry properties: The code parallelization.
- 8. Machine learning from the HPC perspective
- 9. In Situ/Web Visualization of CFD Data Using OpenFOAM
- 10. Web Visualization and Data Analysis of energy Load of an HPC system
- 11. An alert system analysing data from environmental sensors
- 12. Discrete event scheduling simulator for HPC systems
- 13. Parallel Computing Demonstrators on Wee ARCHIE
- 14. High throughput Virtual Screening to discover novel drug candidates
- 15. Investigating the effect of the oncogenic mutation E545K of the PI3Ka protein with enhanced sampling MD simulations
- 16. High-level Visualizations of Performance Data
- 17. Improving existing genomic tools for HPC infrastructure
- 18. GraPhine meets CudeCD
- 19. One kernel to rule them all
- 20. Hybrid-parallel Convolutional Neural Network training
- 21. Large scale accelerator enabled quantum simulator
- 22. Big Data classification with RHadoop
- 23. Visualization schema for HPC data
- 2017
- Timeline
- PRACE Summer of HPC 2017 Training Week
- 2017 Reports
- Summer of HPC awards ceremony 2017
- Project presentations on YouTube
- Projects 2017
- 1. Hybrid Monte Carlo Method for Matrix Computation on P100 GPUs
- 2. Monte Carlo and Deep Learning Methods for Enhancing Crowd Simulation
- 3. Apache Spark: Are Big Data tools applicable in HPC?
- 4. Calculation of nanotubes by utilizing the helical symmetry properties
- 5. Web visualization of Energy load of an HPC system
- 6. Web visualization of the Mediterranean Sea
- 7. Development and validation of real-time earthquake hazard models
- 8. Interactive weather forecasting on supercomputers as a tool for education
- 9. Online visualisation of current and historic supercomputer usage
- 10. Visualizing European Climate Change
- 11. European climate model simulations
- 12. “El-Nino: It’s periodicity and impact on world weather”
- 13. Radiosity in Computer Graphics
- 14. Visualization of real motion of human body based on motion capture technology
- 15. Performance visualization for bioinformatics pipelines
- 16. Cude colors on a phine grid
- 17. Hip, hip, hooray! Get your 2-for-1 GPU deal now.
- 18. Accelerating climate kernels
- 19. Tracing in 4D data
- 20. Parallel algorithm for non-negative matrix tri-factorization
- 21. CAD data extraction for CFD simulation
- Students’ introduction on YouTube
- Participants 2017
- Mr. Anton Lebedev
- Mr. Aleksander Wennersteen
- Mr. Adrián Rodríguez Bazaga
- Mr. Andreas Neophytou
- Mr. Petr Stehlík
- Mr. Arnau Miro Jane
- Mrs. Dimitra Anevlavi
- Mr. Sam Green
- Mr. Jakub Piotr Nurski
- Mrs. Edwige Pezzulli
- Mr. Mahmoud Elbattah
- Ms. Ana Maria Montero Martinez
- Mr. Jamie Quinn
- Mr. David John Bourke
- Ms. Shukai Wang
- Mr. Philippos Papaphilippou
- Mr. Antti Oskari Mikkonen
- Mr. Konstantinos Koukas
- Mr. Alessandro Marzo
- Mr. Jan Packhäuser
- Mr. Paras Kumar
- Training week agenda
- Flyer 2017
- Apply 2017
- 2016
- Projects 2016
- 1. Visualization data pipeline in PyCOMPSs/COMPSs
- 2. Development of sample application in PyCOMPSs/COMPSs
- 3. Topological susceptibility by direct calculation of the eigenmodes
- 4. Mixed-precision linear solvers for lattice QCD
- 5. Calculation of nanotubes by utilizing the helical symmetry properties
- 6. Apache Spark: Bridge between HPC and Big Data?
- 7. In Situ or BAtch VIsualization of biogeochemical state of the Mediterranean Sea
- 8. In Situ VIsualizzation of NAvier-Stokes Tornado Effect
- 9. Parallelising Scientific Python applications
- 10. Weather forecasting for outreach on Wee Archie supercomputer
- 11. Smartphone Task Farm
- 12. Re-ranking Virtual Screening results in computer-aided drug design
- 13. Molecular Dynamics simulation of the E545K PI3Ka mutant
- 14. Visualisation of fluids and waves
- 15. Development of a Performance Analytics Dashboard
- 16. Visualization of real motion of human body based on motion capture technology
- 17. Journey to the centre of the human body
- 18. Shape up or ship out – You decide!
- 19. Phine quarks and cude gluons
- 20. The CFD devil is in CAD details
- 21. Link prediction in large-scale networks with Hadoop framework
- 2016 Reports
- Application form
- Blogs 2016
- Participants 2016
- Training Week
- Training week timetable
- YouTube presentations
- Summer of HPC 2016 reports
- Apply 2016
- Awards Ceremony at Cineca
- Timeline 2016
- Projects 2016
- 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- 2022
- Final Reports