Dimitris Voulgaris

Froma a previous summer school at IHP, in Frankfurt am Oder.

Everything started so unexpectedly, and yet here I am in a beautiful country with some amazing people learning about the worldwide scientific shift. But let’s go to the beginning of this adventure.

First things first, I am Dimitris, 23 years of age and I think it was a February night when I first found out about the PRACE idea. Being in my 10th, and last, semester of my studies in Electrical and Computer Engineering in Greece with focus in parallel computer architecture, I have quite an experience in summer schools and internships; yet this particular one seemed different. Supplying with more than a satisfying number of projects in seemingly diverse, yet computer – centered topics, PRACE SoHPC (as it is called), seemed engaged in finding a perfect match between one’s (i.e. our) individualized interests and the scientific requests (at least it worked for me, allowing my experimentation in “Heterogeneous Memory Data Placement“) while promoting the cultural exchange.

“The past few days brimmed over fun and amusing conversations somehow perfectly combined with captivating lectures on interesting topics”

During our stay in Bologna we had the pleasure to be hosted by CINECA and visit their supercomputing site

Keeping in mind that one of my biggest “addictions” is exploring the world while meeting fascinating peolple (gym and books should be added as well), I would like to emphasize on this aforementioned cultural interraction. Called to split my summer between Bologna and Barcelona (at BSC), I knew that various and unique experiences were implied. Indeed, the past few days brimmed over fun and amusing conversations somehow perfectly combined with captivating lectures on interesting topics therefore not only living up to my expectations but rather exceeding them.

Trying to sum up (I will provide a more intriguing post about the Bologna experience), I would like to state my thought: I am not sure if it was me that selected PRACE SoHPC or if PRACE SoHPC selected me, nevertheless I am confident that a once-in-a-lifetime learning and exploratory experience has just begun and seems promising.

Should you be interested in keeping up with me in this unique journey, do visit my page for future posts and also check the following link:


Should you want to take an overall view of the program, check out the latest posts of my colleagues:

Hi there! I am Dimitris, a greek ex-student and future job-seeker who will be spending his summer in Barcelona. Although spanish beaches are among the best in the world, the reasons behind this experience are more professional than recreational - by the way, who said that these two cannot be combined? The kick off was a training week at CINECA, Bologna, while the sequel includes Barcelona Supercomputing Center in Spain where I will be collaborating with a big team in order to exploit heterogeneous memory systems using application profiling techniques. Hopefully my experience in High Performance Computing, Embedded Systems and Computer Architecture will give me an important advantage! Let's see...

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