Hi there! If you are here it is probably because you read my previous blog posts or perhaps you are in search for a tutorial on how to calculate the thermal conductivity of a crystal… in any case you are …
Hi stranger on the internet! If you clicked on this webpage you’re probably interested in material science, or maybe you were just intrigued by the title, or perhaps you just misclicked… Anyway, in the following I will briefly explain how …
Investigating a material used in nuclear fusion reactors Read More »
Greetings all, Welcome back to my third and final blog post for the Summer of HPC. This is the final week of SoHPC and between the presentations and the report writing, I decided to write my final blog post to …
Implementation of Lossy Compression to Optimize Checkpointing Read More »
Hello everyone, my name is Spyridon-Andreas Siskos and my friends call me Andreas. I am 25 years old and I am studying Computer Science at the University of Crete. My main interests are in computer networks, security, and algorithms. I …
Greetings everyone! Welcome to my second post about my experience with Summer of High Performance Computing. First of all I hope that you are doing well and you had an enjoyable summer. If you haven’t already, go check my previews …
Navier-Stokes equations are a set of PDEs not analytically solved. They are one of the unsolved mathematical problems of the Millenium, which resolution will give the award from the Clay Mathematics Institute. However, they completely describe the fluid’s behavior in …
As I come to the end of my time with IT4Innovations and PRACE, I have been reflecting on the amazing experience that I’ve had over the past eight weeks. Although I was not able to travel to the IT4Innovations National …
Here we are, we have arrived: these are the last days together of this fantastic adventure that was the Prace. I can’t believe it’s finished already, it seems to me yesterday that I was in my room following the week …
Hello there, I hope you’re ready to enter into the practical implications of our theoretical algorithm we saw last time. To refresh your mind, we want to find an elimination order of a graph that leads to lowest tree-width. To …
Parallel Flow-Cutter performances and conclusion Read More »
When dealing with Big Data, Apache Spark is an invaluable framework to parallelize computing workload across your cluster. In our project 2133: The convergence of HPC and Big Data/HPDA we are creating prototypical scientific applications that leverage both Big Data …
Finally, we are there: all the data of the runs have been collected and processed, and our hydrogen molecule rotates and vibrates around to make us very happy! But let’s take a closer look at what we have done, from …
Finally, we are there: all the data of the runs have been collected and processed, and our hydrogen molecule rotates and vibrates around to make us very happy! But let’s take a closer look at what we have done, from …
Sometimes we wish that everything improves linearly related with our studies, no problem appear while we are on it, and at the end we expect a happy successful ending. But this scenario seems not realistic, in reality while you plan …
Sometimes we got problems…We are here to handle them! Read More »
1. Introduction. This project will be oriented to verify how a code related to the forecast of energy consumption is scaled from a local server to a supercomputer. This process will be implemented through Python and R in order to …
1. Introduction. The project that we can see in this document consists of the parallelization of a code provided by the course mentor. The aforementioned code is made under the programming language called “R” and allows us to make a …
Hey there! Little over halfway into the project I’ve finally gotten to grips with it. In this piece I’m going to introduce my project titled ‘Computational atomic-scale modelling of materials for fusion reactors.’ Its all comes down to energy generation. …
Investigating Fusion Bombardment: Making progress Read More »